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In April 2022, New York’s highest court ruled that the State Constitution had been violated when congressional and state senate district lines were drawn. No changes were made to Assembly, Judicial Delegate and State Committee lines. Judge Patrick McCalluster in Steuben County appointed appointed Jonathan Cervas of the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie Mellon University to draw the new congressional and state senate district lines. On May 20, the judge approved the State Senate and Congressional maps. 

Redistricting Maps

Redistricting and You: New York has all the maps that have been drawn during the redistricting process, including the maps from the Independent Commission, the maps drawn by the legislature and signed by the governor, and the proposed and final maps by the Special Master.


Click here to read Ballotpedia's complete chronology of New York's 2020 redistricting process.

Sept.15, 2021: The Independent Redistricting Commission released two sets of map drafts for state legislative redistricting.The Letters maps were proposed by Democrats on the commission, and the Names maps were proposed by Republicans on the commission.

Jan. 3, 2022: The commission submitted two sets of proposed maps to the state legislature.

Jan. 10, 2022: The New York State Legislature voted down the map proposals. The commission had until Jan. 25 to draw new maps.

Jan. 31, 2022: The New York State Legislature released draft legislative maps.

Feb. 3, 2022: Both chambers of the New York State Legislature voted to approve the legislative maps bill. Governor Hochul (D) signed the congressional and legislative maps into law.

April 21, 2022: The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court upheld the Supreme Court's ruling that the enacted state senate and congressional maps constituted a partisan gerrymander and ordered the legislature to submit new maps to a redistricting special master appointed by the court.

May 16, 2022: The first round of redistricting maps prepared by the Special Master were released.

May 18, 2022: The public comment period ended.

May 20, 2022: The Special Master issued the final maps and the judge approved them.

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